It’s frikkin’ funny and amusing but also, inspiring la jugak that I just HAVE to write about this.
I was in a Mamak, tapau-ing for my famished familia at home, when this under-aged looking dude came to me. He had this spiky hair-do loaded with gel, smells like he has just combed in a whole Brylcreem pot on his head and was wearing a hideous T-Shirt with a pair of cargos that sweeps the floor. He had acne on his forehead and is actually quite cute, provided, if I am a 17 year old.
“Sorang je?”
I could not help but to ask;
“Nampak orang ke kat sebelah akak?”
“Heh… tak?” he said, sheepishly.
For a moment I was alarmed that maybe unconsciously, I have left my fly undone or a stray booger was hanging shamelessly on my nostril. Teenagers could sometimes be mean and crude.
I know, I was one (A teenager I meant), and their honest but impolite remarks could reduce a grown up to tears.
“Akak, Nama saya Mat.”
I was so tempted to introduce myself as Minah but managed to restrain my sarcastic self.
“Kenapa eh?”
“Nak kenal akak boleh?”
“Umur u berapa eh?”
“20.” I went bloody hell, he’s my brother’s age!
“U tau tak umur akak berapa?”
“Saya suka orang yang lebih matang dari saya.” He said, with a grin across his face.
Luckily, I was wearing my solitaire diamond ring and I was wearing it on my left hand.
“I dah kahwinla. Anak satu.”
“Mana anak akak?”
“Kat rumahlah.”
“Akak tak nampak macam dah kahwin la.”
“Eh… baguslah.”
For once in my life, the Mamak dude saved the day by coming up to me with my order. I paid the guy, smiled to Mat and left.
When I was thinking about it in the car, I was flattered that a young dude approached me and actually find big assed size 12 ol’ me attractive. It was his courage and his willingness to take no for an answer that impressed me. If only grown men have at least half (a quarter pun will do) of his courage, then maybe us single women would not be put off by their cowardly disposition as much.
Kudos Mat… keep up the good work. Cayalah!
A short totally unrelated note;I am not saying that I support Pak Lah much, but people, give him a break - lah. The man's marrying a woman he loves, and even if the woman of his choice was his housekeeper and his late wife's SIL, I thought it was a bit harsh for everyone to throw criticism and to say that his marriage compromised his ability to be the PM (That's another story... ) .
This just doesn't make any sense, grow up and stop sending me emails about him getting married already. I have CNN, Al-Jazeera, BBC, CNBC and Buletin Utama to give me all the info I need.
This just doesn't make any sense, grow up and stop sending me emails about him getting married already. I have CNN, Al-Jazeera, BBC, CNBC and Buletin Utama to give me all the info I need.
kesian mat kena reject.
ello.. nama saya des... how you doin?
ReplyDeletep/s- i don't think there exist any force or creature in the universe that can compromise the old man's ability to be PM. i mean, when you're at the bottom, the only way to go is up! (digging not included ah).
woohooo, nothing like being picked up by a much younger man to make one feel very desirable! Nice!
ReplyDeleteMy exact sentiment. I'll betcha the rumours that M'sian don't like him getting married was started off by one very jealous very ambitious 'lady'!
Comelnya Mat tu. Patut pass jek kat I. Anak2 ikan ni kadang best gak buat ulam atau gado2 lol.
ReplyDeleteAbout Pak Lah, my mom mesti frust nonggeng. Rasakan dia.
Re: Pak Lah
ReplyDeleteIt could've been me, y'know *snort*
Hensem tak Mat tu. Balun jer. Hahahaa.. kidding
ReplyDeletePak Lah. I've always like to be the First Lady, but not in M'sia here lah. For what kan?
Dear Sarclover,
ReplyDeleteThanks for ur comment at my post. Ade je jantan-jantan yg berani sampai taksedar diri. Approachhing a person tuh, I raselah mcm biasaje. Yg I herannyelahkan, as always it would turn up in rejection.
Agreed that its hard to trust people these days. Though, sometimes makes you wonder how many potential good relationships we have turned down due to height, weight, the skewedness of their noses, their BO, their wierd voices, their inability to speak fluent english, their late arrivals, bad planning, temper, bad sense of humour, no sense of humour, the colour of their hair, their political asscociations and and and the list goes on.
So from Amad to Mat, kesian dia. Maybe this Amad got better chance to know you?
hahha..im sure dat'll make u smile till bedtime.:p
ReplyDeletei dah 'repair' my hair,fyi.LOL
what and where is the MU pub you mentioned in the earlier post? I want to go bakar :p
ReplyDeletecayalah minah, kena tackle dengan mat siot!!! hehehe ... mat suka minah yang matang matang ni. hehehehe ....
ReplyDeleteits for the best i am sure. hehe
Bukan your nama I**** ka?? or did i get that wrong?? HAHAHA...
Cik Berlian,
Hehe... tak sangka la babe... and on Pak Lah, Alhamdulillay he is safely married. good for him.
ReplyDeletecute eh, amiklaa...
i rasa ramai kaum2 ibu yang frust.
toldcha you should have made your move earlier... huhuhu...
hensem? if you are still into boys with raging hormones and fancy paying for dates la.. hehehe...
Enche' 'Amad',
ReplyDeletei know a guy who rejected a beautiful girl because her lip is funny, now i would not say she is beautiful if there is something wrong with her now would i?
Enche' mau kenal saya?? on what grounds?? how originally refreshing are you??? hehehe...
not exactlyla... i smiled for the first 30 mins je, after that i dont think too much about it. i think the Mat tengah bengong kot?
ReplyDeleteit's in JB. bring your torches!
Dey! ini minah pun suka mereka yang matang2 jugak, masalahya, tak ramai la.