Mind’s consumed with too many things. Clarity of thought is the last thing I am going to write about this week.
At least, I got myself a pair red heels I have always wanted and a black dress complete with a red belt to go with it.
So drama look for so not drama queen – like person such as moi.
Am I turning to a ‘pesenista’ (It’s what you get when Javanese pronounce Fashionista) because I want to add in a bit of spice into my dull routine life?
Hell yes.
Post Sedili (see last entry), skin’s peeling like nobody’s business, yet friend is planning for another beach trip, this time with a couple of our other close friends.
I also have that Go – Karting thing I have been putting off. Another friend was asking me about jet skiing, and then there is my swimming lesson in Hyatt…
Because of my skin condition, I have to hold this off first until I have fully ‘bersalin kulit’…
I still owe my friend an answer to his speed boat invitation to Pulau Besau (Pulau Besar – lah). Al wants to go snorkeling and Anita wants to go rock climbing (To which I replied; “Pompuan! Where got rocks to climb in JB la??” to which she replied; “Oi… not here in town la, we’re going to Gunung Pulai there!” and then Sarcy pun Malu sendiri.)
“Okeh, now you are the outdoorsy type, go panjat sana, nyelam sini, lompat sana, molek sangat la tu.”
My mum nagged.
What to do, you have a very bored first born. She is not like the second born who loves exercising on the bed or like the third born who is puffing his life away like a chimney. I happen to be the ‘active’ one in the family.
Well, recently la… --> That’s what I told her.
Owh… just remembered I still owe Sheryl a tag… so knock yourself out babe;
Layer One-On The Outside
Name: SAMS
Birthdate: February 11, 1979
Current Status: Single but unavailable due to certain circumstances (And its not being hitched)?
Eye Color: Light brown
Hair Color: Dark brown
Righty or Lefty: Righty
Layer Two- On The Inside
My Heritage: Malay + Chinese + Indian = Malaysia Truly Asia
My Fears: Snakes and only snakes
My Weaknesses: My penchant for bastards
My Perfect Pizza: thin crusted Cheese Pizza!
Layer Three- Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
My Thoughts first thing when i wake up: What for today?
My Bedtime: 12-ish
My Most Missed Memory: Getting looked at as person and not something humpable.
Layer Four- My Picks
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
Mc Donald's or Burger King: McD
Single or Group Dates: first date; single. Second date; group
Adidas or Nike: Nike for gym wear, Adidas for street wear
Tea or Nestea: Nestea??? Yuch… Mine’s Peppermint with a dollop of honey daaaahlink!
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate Peanut better and Cherry Garcia… ehh.. tak tersenarai eh?
Cappucino or Coffee: Kopi – O Hua Mui Kaw – kaw punya!
Layer Five- Do I
Smoke: No
Curse: I drive a car, you reckon?
Take a shower: *Sniffs armpit* of kos laaaaa.
Have a crush: Not now?
Think I've Been In Love: Twice.
Go To School: Masa zaman tok kadok dulu adala
Want To Get Married: Umm… hell why not but not now?
Believe In Myself: Of kos
Think I'm A Health Freak: I am considerably into hygiene but I am no hypochondriac.
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
Mc Donald's or Burger King: McD
Single or Group Dates: first date; single. Second date; group
Adidas or Nike: Nike for gym wear, Adidas for street wear
Tea or Nestea: Nestea??? Yuch… Mine’s Peppermint with a dollop of honey daaaahlink!
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate Peanut better and Cherry Garcia… ehh.. tak tersenarai eh?
Cappucino or Coffee: Kopi – O Hua Mui Kaw – kaw punya!
Layer Five- Do I
Smoke: No
Curse: I drive a car, you reckon?
Take a shower: *Sniffs armpit* of kos laaaaa.
Have a crush: Not now?
Think I've Been In Love: Twice.
Go To School: Masa zaman tok kadok dulu adala
Want To Get Married: Umm… hell why not but not now?
Believe In Myself: Of kos
Think I'm A Health Freak: I am considerably into hygiene but I am no hypochondriac.
Layer Six- In The Past Month
Drank Alcohol: I have been alco free for 3 weeks
Gone to the mall: Last Saturday
Been on stage: Last year during a dinner?
Eaten sushi: once every two weeks
Dyed your hair: How can I say no when I still have blonde streaks all over?? But that was like more than 4 months ago la.
Drank Alcohol: I have been alco free for 3 weeks
Gone to the mall: Last Saturday
Been on stage: Last year during a dinner?
Eaten sushi: once every two weeks
Dyed your hair: How can I say no when I still have blonde streaks all over?? But that was like more than 4 months ago la.
Layer Seven- Have I Ever
Played a stripping game: why stripping game?? Strip je laaaa!!!
Changed who i am to fit in: Tried to be a bimbo but had too much IQ to really feel the bimboness.
Played a stripping game: why stripping game?? Strip je laaaa!!!
Changed who i am to fit in: Tried to be a bimbo but had too much IQ to really feel the bimboness.
Layer Eight- Age
I am hoping to be married: When I am sure
Layer Nine- What Was I Doing
1 min ago: Watching TV
1 hour ago: Driving
4,5 hour ago: Working
1 month ago: Driving around trying to forget things
1 year ago: being driven trying to forget things
1 min ago: Watching TV
1 hour ago: Driving
4,5 hour ago: Working
1 month ago: Driving around trying to forget things
1 year ago: being driven trying to forget things
Layer Ten- Finish The Sentence
I Love: being on the beach in my bikini
I Feel : So tired
I Hate: Durians
I Hide: What I really think about people when it’s offensive
I Need: More challenges, drive and money as a compensation… muahahaha…
I Love: being on the beach in my bikini
I Feel : So tired
I Hate: Durians
I Hide: What I really think about people when it’s offensive
I Need: More challenges, drive and money as a compensation… muahahaha…
curious .. wot were u doing lying over the car sill? such an odd place to take a pix no? ;-)
ReplyDeletegood, good.. now am satisfied. really ah babe.
ReplyDeletecan't wait to see you again soon. make sure you crash my unit again ok? we go dancing also?
ReplyDeleteme at the sill? i was at the passenger seat la yang...
oteh... we go lansing2 heh?? buleh apasai tak buleh....