The thing with catching a movie at the theatre is that it’s a mixed feeling of satisfaction and regret all bundled into one.
I love the Dolby Surround Sound, I love the caramel popcorn, and I love the plush seat. I love the clear picture and even the very literal translation of the subtitle cracks me up.
Being that it’s Spiderman, and naturally, because it is a comic character brought to life, parents have decided to bring even their 3 year olds to the movies, Nevermind that this instalment is way darker than the previous two.
So you could hear a child whining over at the back row, one even decided to break into tears halfway into the movie. Some adults have just decided for ‘fun’ to keep their bloody cellphones on, some of the idiots even decided it will be more fun if they talk to each other during the movie, as if the kid in our row who seemed to LOVE jumping up and down on his seat and has a liking to noisy movie snacks is not annoying enough.
It is not fun when you have intervals of ‘Kruk… Krak… KKKRUUKKKK… (I am guessing that’s a BIG piece of nachos.) + munch… munch… in between the movie, especially, when you are trying to concentrate on the story!
Resolution *no 2 whenever I decide to have children;
*No 1 is to not be as dumb as the parents who lost their son because they were busy shopping in SOGO. I mean, like how stupid was that? I mean like, “Eh, baju RM 10 tu macam best ek. Takpelah, budak tu baru 5 tahun tahulah dia naik bas balik rumah nanti kalau hilang pun.” Like Gila Bodoh okay?*
Anyway, on Spiderman, I have taken a liking to Topher Grace whose character was Eddie Brock, Jr. / Venom. He is just a delicious bad ass. He’s mean, he looks absolutely evil and he has claws. What can I say, I love bad boys. I am just weird and slightly demented like that.
It is not fun when you have intervals of ‘Kruk… Krak… KKKRUUKKKK… (I am guessing that’s a BIG piece of nachos.) + munch… munch… in between the movie, especially, when you are trying to concentrate on the story!
Resolution *no 2 whenever I decide to have children;
*No 1 is to not be as dumb as the parents who lost their son because they were busy shopping in SOGO. I mean, like how stupid was that? I mean like, “Eh, baju RM 10 tu macam best ek. Takpelah, budak tu baru 5 tahun tahulah dia naik bas balik rumah nanti kalau hilang pun.” Like Gila Bodoh okay?*
Anyway, on Spiderman, I have taken a liking to Topher Grace whose character was Eddie Brock, Jr. / Venom. He is just a delicious bad ass. He’s mean, he looks absolutely evil and he has claws. What can I say, I love bad boys. I am just weird and slightly demented like that.
Cute one...
Delish one...
Spidey 3 rawks!
moviegoers in kl are more civilised than those in JB i guess.
ReplyDeleteregarding your comment on the parents who lost their child - how can u be so bloody insensitive?? if u have never been put in that situation, don't fucking judge people ok.
ReplyDeletenext time, buy a dvd and watch at home. kat holiday plaza berlambak kan?
Whoa. Tak boleh jadi. U beat me by watching Spiderman first. Erm, on a second thought, everybody does. Dem. Lembab tul aku ni.
ReplyDeleteBtw, i sense negative vibes in here from people who refused to own up to what they say i guess, hence the phony nicks...
i'm sure yin's parents have learnt their lesson.. losing their child and not knowing whether he's still alive for more than a week is enough punishment for them already.
ReplyDeleteHey look, am not phony. And I use my real name even. See?
ReplyDeleteAdmittedly, I too, get very annoyed when some idiot forgets to off his phone, or worst, proceed with answering of telephone call loud enough for the entire universe to hear.
Noisy kids are also annoying too, but then, if I were to watch something adult like sayyyyy, shit I dont know, I dont go out much, uh, Indecent Proposal ke(I know contoh adalah sedikit archaic but bear with me for the mo) then I expect the kids *not* to be there and get wee annoyed with kids running around amok. Parents should know better than to bring kids there.
However, if it's an obvious movie that kids might enjoy Spidey and Harry Potter and even, Pirates of Carribean, I guess I'd just have to bear with it. I pay RM10 just as much as them. Some parents are not savvy enough and do not have the time to scour info or review to find out whether this Spidey one is darker than the earlier ones. They thought it’d be just like the other Spidey movie, hence, light enough for children entertainment. Kids being kids, they usually have attention span of all 10 minutes wot. If I do watch a movie, I’d brave through the late night ones, the risks of running into running, shrivelly kids a lot lesser.
Whilst there are some irresponsible parents out there who'd let the kids lose like hippie maniacs, you can’t blame ‘em all. And that remark about a parent being *dumb* (I quote, ad verbatim) to “lose” a kid in SOGO. C’mon, am sure you’ve been to SOGO and am sure you know how packed it is. Even an adult can lose sight of another adult in group at any given time. Kids are fast and wriggle out of your grasp in two seconds. I don’t have to be married and have a kid to know that (I smart mahh).
So yeah, easydent, cant blame the above two for being pissed mad at Sarcy’s statement wot? It’s sensitive and uncalled for, at the very least. What do they have to own up to, by the way?
more like haters.. hahaha.. but never mind that. thanks for reading babe.
Dear all who seemed to have a problem with my comment on the SOGO parents.
maybe i am raised up differently. my parents would never let us go, not at 5 frikkin' years old, at least not until we were 8. but hey, times change and so this becomes a trend.
and isnt this like the FIRST time a case like this happened? or maybe it is the first time it is sensationalized.
welllll... i dont have anything to say. on the good side, apart from all the lame excuses by the people who found the boy (Hes got chicken pox, that was why we didnt come forward, not after we hear the parents are offering money did the kid miraculously got better) the boy was indeed found!
without scars too... impressive... and bald!
and hello, those who found and kept him, as though he is a pet or something like that, were freed without allegations.
maybe i just dont empathize with their situation much because knowing how CROWDED sogo is, and how easy it is for a kid to wriggle oout of your grasp, isnt it just plain common sense that the parents should take extra care?
well, because i am now looked at as an insensitive bitch, as always i have a feeling ill be wrong again.
yeah, those two weeks BETTER be a good lesson to the parents, or else everybody will be waiting for something like this to happen again in the news.
Judge?? well everybody gets judged and everybody judges, just that people bloody deny it all the time. see, you have just came up with a judgment on my writing... its inevitable.
and to respond to the kids at the movies,
ReplyDeletehey, i said it is annoying to me. and it is MY resolution. and so??? i didnt say everyone should think like me.
like how i said, maybe i was just brought up differently, my parents would definitly 'hadiah' a pinch if i am to jump on my seats in a movie where everyone should be quiet.
we are starting them young in behaving badly. nowwwww... thats another trend.
biarlah mereka. everyone is entitled to their own opinions and views. i get that part... me pandai maaa... :P
perhaps, or you guys are just too used to it, that you guys didnt notice.
i think the parents should buy the DVD and fucking watch at home.. :P
haha, i agree with sarcy about the Yin's parents :P but I don't really fancy Spiderman 3, too much drama :D
ReplyDeletei dont know about drama, though Peter was getting on my nerves a bit with his wimpy act.
i especially loved it when he has the symbiote on. like his bangs, kinda remind me of the other peter, in Heroes... hehehe... or am i the only one who noticed that.
smart nyaaaaa.... i rest my case ;)
ReplyDeletei am not bothered to watch spiderman. who wants to lend dvd?
ReplyDeletekl movigoers are no better lah.. i still remember that time where the buggers next to me was discussing their plans for the weekend or something.. maaaak oi.. can't even have the decency to talk about the movie ah? cisssss...
ReplyDeletelain kali sound je la... some people are oblivious to their mistakes.. orang lain je salah.. never them..
ReplyDeletei am not bothered to buy the DVD thats why i go to the movies... make sense ka??
alah.. that one couple ka? if its couple sah memang takde tempat lain nak merancang pelan mengongkek mereka but in the dar compund of the theatre kot...
saya telah mengesound orang yang buat kesalahan2 kecil tapi very annoying ini. tapi tak reti bahasa... lain kali i will use German... Gesundheit --> Whatever that means. (Think that is the name of a ship or something...)
Gosh! What a lively heated discussion we have here..hehe. Anyway speaking as a parent, I agree with you sarcy, parents should put a leash on their children in extra crowded places. Furthermore, who in their right mind would leave their child who has been diagnosed with ADD unattended...sheesh..only dumbass!
ReplyDeletediamond Baby,
ReplyDeleteexactly. it seemed that everyone that i talked to sympathizes with the couple and keep saying that sometimes shit do happen.
shit only happens when you let it to...
dont know about others, but even with my little cousins, i tend to get paranoid if we are to go to crowded places.
I beg to differ,
ReplyDeletespidey 3 has too much leading characters and is getting pretty confusing. tho the guy from the 70s show is cute, yes.
but that guy from the 70s show was rather skinny, wasn't her? is he still skinny in S3 i wonder. oh sarcy dear, i never sympathise with that couple. ada anak tak reti jaga baik tak yah beranak. n excuses can only take u so far.
ReplyDeletere the sogo incident.. shit do happen.. BUT.. it's up to us to take the necessary steps to minimise the risks & consenquences..
ReplyDeleteyin's parents was just getting lupa diri with all the things to buy?
and kecoh like chicken bertelur sebiji.
anak sendiri pun tak tahu jagakah?
ReplyDeletemost of SPidey's comics have a few central characters. being that its a comic, new characters would be introduced almost everytime a new issue came out. (Me was a marvel junkie back then)
i dunno babe, but i think all the characters are introduced and focused on quite effectively. the central characters would still be Peter and MJ i feel. or maybe only marvel junkies could make it out kot.
he is skinny, but strangely in the movie he looked betterla, i think maybe he wroked out kot for this part. as for the SOGO parents, what to do la, to each his own they say.
thats what i am trying to say, but everyone keeps on telling me that what happened is supposed to happen.
tenno Miyake (What the heck is that tenno things again??)