Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Overcharged – post Numero Uno

I don’t go well with SMSes that mean nothing and was sent on ungodly hours.

Think horrendous spelling and those kiddy abbreviated form of messages, and think 4 AM in the morning.

I think one of the phone company actually made it looked really 'cool' to spell out words in abbreviated form a few years ago, to me it was crap held almighty. Call me old fashioned but I just don’t frikkin’ get it.

If you know me personally, you will know that I don’t text people much, and even when I do, my SMSes would be properly spelled out. For some reason, I could not stomach messages that are abbreviated so much that it will take me more than a minute to interpret.

Like my sister’s SMS to my mother yesterday, I managed to understand it but I still thought it was absolutely ridiculous for a graduate to send something like this;

‘Cni xde air, nk balik? Sok hntar mtab.’

My mom obviously didn’t understand a word she was saying, so she called back.

What use is SMS when no one could even come close to comprehending what you are trying to say?

I received an SMS that was sent to me on 6 AM. When I read it, I deleted it right away, because it made no sense and it made no sense!

It’s either he was drunk or he was just bored at 6 am in the morning (See, it does NOT make any sense!)

AnD ThEN ThErE Is tHIs CrAZe Of TyPInG THiS WaY In EMailS. IS It TEmpoRAry iNsAnItY FoR U pEoPLe uNdER 25 to Do ThIs Or dId I MiSS sOMethiNg DEtrimenTAL To tHe wEllBEinG Of HumAN cIvILIsaTION???

Adoi… Akak tired typing that way, for a sentence that should take me under 1 minute to type, I took a whole 3 minutes, possibly 4 but who’s counting. And yes, I do have friends who are under 25 of age. Do I really have to remind myself that I am not all that young anymore?


A friend called me up today for drinks later after work.

And for someone who used to couldn’t care less about the idiot box, I said;

“Cannot, today is Heroes day. Rain check?”

He tried to tempt me that all of his Navy friends are going to be there and it would be fun. I still gave him the rain check.

I am honestly gobsmacked!


I really do think that for today, the probability of me typing in more than 1 entry is possible. And i have a feeling that Heroes have something to do with it.

Signing off;

Sarcy the Magnetic One

1 comment:

  1. I'm 24 and I'm your friend!! hehehehe .......

    and I also hate short forms in smses!
