Monday, October 24, 2011

We can either be like Monica.. or like Rosmah... choose your side.

Aging gracefully...

So what does that mean really?

At 32, the word 'aging' now has a specific definition. Despite what The Scotsman told me that I look 27, I still think it is TIME for me to start sourcing out anti - ageing products.

I would like to look like this when I am in mid 40's :

And hopefully like this when I am in my 50's :

I already have the hair, now I will just have to take care of my diet, Yoga and exercise to be looking like her and not ... ehem ...

Like.... the self proclaimed 'First Lady of Malaysia' :

At 59, she looks like she is in her mid 60's, I guess she was hoping her jet black hair could make her look 2 months younger.

Secrets to graceful ageing does not lie in botox or vitamin C shots. 

It lies in your diet, your exercise regime, and whether or not you will allow yourself to breathe once in a while. 

I have the diet and exercise part figured out, I will just have to learn how to breathe, to cut myself some slack. 

Trying to figure out how to do a headstand might help. I need assistance.

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