Sunday, October 10, 2010

Why I am getting thinner and thinner...

1) I have a strict diet of NO rice 6 days a week. Sundays are the only exception

2) I can't stuff myself like I used to do. If I ever do, I will get stomach discomfort, and will AUTOMATICALLY feels like throwing up. No, FYI, I am not bulimic, just a small eater. 

I thought it was only minor discomfort, I tried taking Eno to soothe it, but it made me throw up still. So the only way to avoid this from happening would be to NOT stuff myself. 

3) I do Yoga at home everyday before I go to sleep and when I wake up. I resolve to be a pretzel by the time I am 35 (If panjang umur).

4) PLUS I work out at the gym for at least 5 days in a week. 

5) I work too much. Stress is stretching me thin. I just want to get through operations and hope the talk I had with my boss on my career plan gets through by next year. Sigh....

The truth is, I would rather be thinner than fatter. Plus I know that I am not doing this intentionally. So I am good. 

To Mr. Probably-Would-be-boyfie-husband-if-it-works-that-is, it is ok if I get thinner, at least you can keep on holding me with just one arm since I am puny. 

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