Sunday, April 8, 2012

Frugal attempt report #1

Over the weekend, I spent about RM 250 - ish.

Yes... remember what I said about frugality? I am obviously not someone who can live under its' rule.

So, this was what I spent the RM 250-ish on ...


RM 20.08 - 4 Cappuccinos
RM 58 - 2 pairs of Jelly Ballerina flats ie shoes
RM 70 - Petrol, full tank RON 97
RM 36 - Petrol, halfway marker at Machap, Shell Racing fuel (Because, I am a speed demon)
RM 41.50 - Toll at Senai, JB

Total  : RM 225.58


RM 19.50 (ish) - Lunch with Mum and Sister
RM 98 - Hand tote for Mum (Credit card)
RM 40 - Petrol, Shell Racing Fuel
RM 45 (Ish) - Toll, Kota Damansara exit.

Total : RM 202.50

Okay.. so I miscalculated. I spent :
RM 428.08

Now normally, I would not be thinking too much about this. Afterall, my trip back to JB would usually be more than this. But since I am trying to save, it concerns me a bit why was it that I have never thought of how much this really is.

However, I should pat myself on the back because aside from the 2 pairs of flats and the handbag (For Mum), I have successfully refrained myself from buying any other stuff to clog my closet with.

Owh... and I forgot 1 itsy bitsy thing :

RM 15 : Dinner at Nirwana's. (Banana leaf rice, 1 chicken and 1 Iced tea)

So that makes the total : RM 443.08 (If I mind calculated that properly).

And yes, I now have about RM 100 in my purse for the whole week.

Wish me luck!

And oh yeah, I do not feel any pain spending the moollah to see this little munchkin :

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