Sunday, February 19, 2012


I finally did it. I finally had a vacation. It was only over the weekends, and we spent it doing beach stuff and we didn't have the chance to experience GeorgeTown, but it was worth every second.

It makes me see life in a different way, and not thinking about work (Oh well, I lied when I said I didn't think about it) was.. pretty... awesome...-ish.

And I was happy that I get to share it with one of the people who knows me well. I salute the fact that he was SO PATIENT with me, the wench on wheels... literally as I was the one who was driving.

I should do this more often. Next stop, all the other islands in Malaysia. Or maybe I am thinking Club Med... Yoga getaway, with my best friend. Woot!


  1. One needs a break just to get away from things occasionally babes.

    Glad you had fun - now to do it a bit more often!x

  2. love the pic.
    enjoy the waters ... :)
