Wednesday, September 18, 2013

"Positive people who drops negative people off in any way, are often lacking in empathy."

I want to share a sliver of my conversation with a good friend on--POSITIVITY. 

I know I am not alone when I say that positive people who are trying too hard to be positive ALL THE TIME... is annoying. 

I mean, there must be a human aspect to these teletubby wannabes. I mean, even teletubbies get ... sad .. over a broken tummy TV/antenna.. No?

All I am trying to say is that, everyone has their own battle, and to drop someone 'negative' off, is brutal. Keep it simple you say? Maybe... but it's not a bad thing to empathize on their situation either.

And there is a thin line between sharing your happiness and showing off. To hell with people you say? Maybe, but, hell, we all can use a bit of kindness, and empathy. 

Envy is an evil thing. I am trying to shield myself from it. I know I am able to, but I also know, not everyone can. 

With Love, Namaste. 

Be humble, bow to the ground and realize how feeble we are. 

Monday, September 9, 2013

The truth about Yoga practitioners

Whenever I tell new friends about my yoga practice, they seemed to look at me a in a whole different light.

They would expect me to be annoyingly cheerful, irritatingly enlightened, even impossibly spiritual.

My friends, the truth is far from it.

Yoga practitioners are, first of all, human. Man and woman. And we are flawed, in every screwed up way.

I know of a yoga teacher who was too obsessed about being yogic. He was almost, arrogant, saying that he is, at this point, far better than his Guru. I am sure that is not for us to say. And I am sure, even if that is true, it should be said with humility and hope, not with arrogance.

I started Yoga, truthfully, 5 years ago, on and off. It wasn't until 2011 that I start to take Yoga more seriously, and managed to make Yoga a part of my daily life, when one part of my life took a hit last year.

I embraced Yoga more when Tom died. I depended on my time on my mat for peace and calm. Yoga was the ONLY thing that could get my mind off the loss.

Even now, as I type, I still think about that fateful morning. It feels different, but it is still painful.

No, Yoga practitioners are not perfect. In fact, Yoga teaches us to first of all, be human. It reminds us of our human limitations, both physically and mentally.

Most importantly, it teaches us about Humility. No matter what belief you hold on to, be humble.

On our 'expensive' mats, wrapped in our 'organic' garbs, we are all humbled and bow down to our feeble human limitations.

With Love, Namaste.


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

And then there is 1

During my sister's wedding last week, I was sitting with my Mum and an Aunt at home while my Sister were busy putting on the finishing touches to the 'hantaran' stuff.

"And then there is one." My Aunt said in Malay, smiling at me. My Mum didn't say anything and just smiled along.

I remembered asking my Mum who would she think she would have ended up with if she didn't meet my Dad. My Mum said, probably noone, although she was a hot commodity at that time.

As a matter of fact, my Mum told me that she told my Late Ah-Poh (My maternal Grandmother) that she might not be married at all.

My Mum really don't have any kind of expectations on her children. To her, we will marry when we find the right person. She also is, I think, kind of ok with my very private life.

When the right one comes, I know I will probably reconsider marriage. Probably. If that person never comes, then, on my own I would be.

With Love, Namaste.


Us siblings after the Solemnization

My Mum and I